Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Shannon | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
My interview with Shannon left me in awe at the level of cruelty people will go to in the name of God. Her church prayed for the death of her "sin," even if it meant her physical death. Now diagnosed with a terminal illness, Shannon shares the wisdom she squeezed out from her experience of becoming her authentic self. She embodies immense strength as she stares at death in the present tense, yet she wouldn't change anything in her past. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Shannon | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Shannon has a detached enthusiasm for life that we don't often experience because while we know our death is inevitable, we live as if we are not going to die. Yet, as she is dying, she has gracefully turned her life into a philosophy class we can all learn from as she embodies the beauty of love between same-sex couples. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Tyler | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Over a decade after Tyler came out to his parents, he still faces their resistance, not accepting their son is gay. Tyler peels back the curtain on the lack of love parents express when their child doesn't meet their expectations of who they think their child should have become. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Tyler | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
If you don't feel accepted, can you really feel loved? Tyler breaks it down for us. Lack of acceptance and a feeling of love don't go together. After watching Tyler, we may rethink how often we use the word love when instead, the correct wording sometimes is attachment and our need to belong. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | JP | Love Whoever You Want Shirt
We have just begun to scratch the surface of what it is like to be transgender in our world. JP's journey in dating brings us to a new level of awareness. The interesting part is men don't have a problem dating her. Instead, their struggle is how it makes them appear. They make what their friends and family think more important than how they feel. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | JP
Over 80% of us have not knowingly met a transgender person. So how would we ever understand their plight we so easily judge? JP tells all. Her story of being born male and all the challenges before, during, and after she transitioned to female. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Marina | Love Whoever You Want Shirt
Marina experienced a culture shock when she came to America from Ukraine and all the adjustments she made. Those were expected. She didn't anticipate being forced to confront her sexuality when she fell in love with a woman. Being honest with herself caused a collision with her mother's need to control even who Marina loved. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Marina
Marina very powerfully normalizes love as she clarifies that who she loves is not anything to be shameful about. On the contrary, love is a celebrated emotion, no matter the form we find it in. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Melisa | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Melisa had it all: the perfect marriage, the handsome pilot husband, two beautiful children, and financial affluence. She blew up her life from comfort to chaos to be true to herself. I don't think I have ever admired anyone's courage to be their authentic self as much as hers. You will be drawn into her story as she describes her life, what she felt, and how she integrated her inner and outer reality. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Melisa
Melisa's journey started in 2016. You'd think there were many resources available for women coming out later in life, but she was surprised that even then, there were not. So she and her co-founder and friend started the "Lesbian Chronicles," a podcast for women coming out later in life. When we are true to ourselves, our potential expression in the world is limitless. Subscribe now to my YouTube Channel, Sofia Wellman, so you don't miss an episode of "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - https://www.youtube.com/c/SofiaWellman

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Angela | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Angela is a dynamic speaker with the ability to tell a story in a way that leaves the viewer hanging on for more. Her vulnerability is refreshing as she takes us along her healing journey integrating who she is with Christianity.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Angela | Interview
You will watch Angela dissect each struggle of coming to terms with her sexuality. She starts with barely even being able to say the words that she is gay to being comfortable in her skin. Her ability to go from compartmentalizing to harmonizing her life is impressive. Her strength is inspiring.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Angela | Interview
Shame has a way of creating secrets, making us feel isolated and alone. It is a powerful force that turns us on ourselves. For most of her life, Angela felt different and wrong. She takes us along on her journey to finally be able to transmute shame into acceptance. Part of that process was her learning that she was not alone.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Dr. Jaime Blandino | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Dr. Jaime Blandino is a guest expert on the "Freedom to Love" documentary film series. She is a brilliant psychologist that will help us understand gender and sexuality in a way that transforms judgment into acceptance.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Dr. Jaime Blandino | Interview
Dr. Jaime Blandino topples all the underlying building blocks of untruths to what is the natural human condition. Having all the myths broken down into a concise understanding is refreshing. When we understand who we are at our core, we can taste the freedom of accepting being different from the constricting, tiny boxes we bought.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Dr. Jaime Blandino | Interview
Unfortunately, we rarely trust ourselves, so having an expert on the "Freedom to Love" documentary film series is a treat. Throughout the series, Dr. Jaime Blandino will make a guest appearance and answer all the questions we considered and maybe even have answered for ourselves until fear made us doubt our truth.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Mel | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Mel has a refreshing speaking approach of straightforwardness sprinkled with humor. She takes us from childhood to now, grappling with her sexuality, including the many pitfalls and challenges. Her episodes are gripping.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Mel | Interview
We watch what happens when a child learns that homosexuality is a sin, causing inner condemnation in that child. Mel was supposed to be taught faith through Christianity and instead learned about fear. You will watch as Mel revels and reckons with religion.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Rebecca | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Rebecca is the epitome of strength. What she has accomplished, most could not fathom. Reaching a breaking point is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, the fact that she withstood all she has for as long as she has speaks volumes about her strength.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Rebecca | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Rebecca shines through her PTSD when she speaks about her wife. The example illustrates it's a case in point for anyone who doubts love is love!

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Kathleen | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Kathleen is a practicing attorney who shares the rich history leading up to the point of the marriage equality law taking effect.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Kathleen | Interview
Kathleen talks about the genesis of the marriage equality law passing and the primary challenges couples faced before it took effect.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Alex | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Being from a different culture – El Salvador, Alex's journey of self-acceptance was a bumpy road where he manifested his shame, guilt, and self-rejection for being gay.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Alex | Interview
Alex takes us through his childhood and all the events that made him feel unseen, unheard, and unloved. While he can label his upbringing as dysfunctional, he still took in all the shame and guilt from the caregivers around him who could not heal that within themselves.

Sofia Wellman - "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series - Peter | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Peter's story of discovery and integration is beautiful, innocent, and pure as he learns to love himself.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Peter | Interview
Peter is a courageous man who shares the story of his conversion therapy, and not because it is a painless story to tell.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Leah | Love Whoever You Want Shirt
Leah discovered her truth in a free-flowing state of mind, unconstrained by prior beliefs of how the world should work.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Leah | Interview
With the help of psychedelics, Leah follows the trail back through her life to discover why what is now so obvious was not seemingly part of her consciousness.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Thomas | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Thomas takes us on his journey coming to America from Vietnam. He takes us through twists and turns, searching to understand himself and be accepted by all he holds dear.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Thomas | Interview
Thomas started naively seeking acceptance for being gay in the catholic church. But, in the land of the free, the stigma of being gay still existed, especially there.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | LG | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
LG is a comedian who uses her tattered past for her stand-up comedy material. As she heals herself with her comedy, she also heals others.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | LG | Interview
LG's ironic humor is a coping mechanism that has helped her dampen the impact of trauma. Humor is the life-safety rope she uses as an adult to pull her younger self into the present and release her complicated past.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Chris | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
As a result of everyone around him attempting to control every aspect of who he was, Chris developed an indestructible, determined strength while defending himself.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Chris | Interview
It is common for transgender people to suffer abuse from childhood on. Chris opens up about the abuse he experienced trying to be himself.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Bizz | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Not everyone's coming out story is traumatic. Bizz's story is an excellent example of what happens when love is stronger than fear. Love is a powerful force that always starts with loving ourselves.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Bizz | Interview
Bizz exudes confidence, but not in a boastful way. Because she puts herself first, Bizz comes from a place of abundance.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Bizz and Karma | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Never seeing herself as gay, it surprised Karma that she now defines herself that way. In fact, she would have adamantly denied it most of her life, not because she was ashamed. On the contrary, it was totally out of her realm of consciousness. So it could be said that she didn't necessarily "come out" but stumbled upon another experience that opened her up to another gateway to love.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Karma | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Karma explores the twists and turns of her life, highlighting the segments that have influenced her most. The events that stood out, as they do in most of our lives, are a compilation of sad, frightening, funny, and ironic.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Amir | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Amir looks over a lifetime of trauma and adversity that have etched a deep grove in his heart but became a pivotal point for his soul. He examines all the pieces of his early life to see how they intersect or oppose each.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Amir | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Amir's nervous system was under constant attack from being the target of ridicule and judgment by the grown-ups around him, who were too involved in their inner turmoil to see him

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Cynthia | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
The stereotypes stacked against gay, especially in the '70s, created a mark of disgrace that seeped in and caused internalized judgments. In this episode of Freedom to Love, Cynthia takes us through some of the stereotypes she had to break.

Sofia Wellman | "Freedom to Love," a documentary film series | Cynthia | Love Whoever The Fuck You Want Shirt
Having both a boyfriend and girlfriend simultaneously, without meaning to, Cynthia acted out each relationship's pros and cons. Unfortunately, being more comfortable with the woman wasn't enough to free her up.